Titan Flowmeters

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800 Range

800 Range

The 800 series flowmeter has been a very popular meter since it’s inception some 20 years ago and remains a very popular OEM and end user product. It is designed to give high performance and low cost of ownership due to it’s inherent reliability. It has 6 flow ranges from 0.05 to 15 litres per minute. It has a totally non-metallic construction which makes this the ideal choice for the metering of aggressive chemicals including ultra-pure water.

900 & 1000 Range

900 & 1000 Range

The 900 and 1000 series flowmeters are designed to give high performance and competitive pricing with 7 flow ranges from 0.05 to 30 litres per minute. Its choice of body materials makes this the ideal choice for the metering of aggressive chemicals, including ultra-pure water. The standard inlets are ¼” and ½“ BSPF although for OEM use alternatives are available.

FT2 Range

FT2 Range

This multi-range radial flow turbine meter uses a low inertia turbine supported on robust sapphire bearings in a chemically resistant housing. 9 flow ranges (0.02 to 160 litres per minute), a choice of “plug in” fittings and individual traceable calibration make this meter one of the most flexible available.

Low Flow Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Low Flow Ultrasonic Flow Meter

This unique technology enables Titan’s Atrato® to outperform any other low flow ultrasonic meter on the world market today. It is an in-line product with a straight through bore which varies from 1mm (operating from 2ml/min) up to 6mm for the 20 litre per minute model. The wetted components are all selected to offer high chemical resistance and long term meter stability.

OG Range

OG Range

These compact rugged oval gear flowmeters are designed to give high performance with a low cost of ownership. These meters are happy measuring simple water like products as well as lubricating fluids. There are several versions; some can have totally non-metallic wetted components, PEEK™, ceramic and a choice of elastomer which makes these the ideal choice for the metering of aggressive chemicals.

Banksia Controls

A: P.O. Box 1750 Bairnsdale VIC 3875 Australia

P: +61 3 5157 8309

E: sales@banksiacontrols.com.au